Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Homework for 7 June

Hello everybody,

Your homework for next time is on Classmaster and also check this link about be going to for future plans - play 2 games under the examples!

Remember that next week is our last lesson, so please come to say goodbye to me and your classmates!

See you soon!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Students Feedback Form

Cari genitori,

La vostra opinione è importante. Vi preghiamo di completare il questionario di sotto per poter migliorare la vostra esperienza con noi! Cliccate sull'immagine.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Homework for May 18

Hello kids,

It was great to meet your parents today - you are really lucky to have them! :)

For next time, work on these links:

  • practice your listening on this audio - listen and do the exercises below - if it's difficult, check the transcript (text)
Have a nice weekend!


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Parents Meetings 11 May 2016

Cari Genitori,

Con la presente vi informiamo che le riunioni con i professori si terranno il giorno 11 Maggio 2016 alle ore sotto indicate:

Giuliana 17:00
Pierpaolo 17:15
Tommaso 17:30
Daniele 17:45
Silvia Giuffrida 18:00
Silvy Castorina 18:15
Alberto 18:30

Non è necessario confermare telefonicamente. Vi aspettiamo per informarvi del progresso dei vs figli e la ns raccomandazione per il prossimo anno scolastico.

Cordiali saluti

Silvia Ionita

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Homework for May 4

Hello kids,

You did a great job today in the Speaking Mock! Next time I will give you your marks.

For next time work on the following Speaking tasks:

- Part 2 - write the questions and the answers in your notebook

- Part 3 - find the differences and write them in your notebook

Bye for now,


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Homework for April 27

Hi my amazing students,

You did a great job today in the Mock test! :)

For next time I've got fun homework for you:
- play some English games from this page

- learn new English words from this page

Have a nice weekend.

Bye-bye champions!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Homework for April 13

Hello kids,

For next time please:

  • read the story again 
  • do exercises C p. 64,  ex. D p. 65, ex. F p. 66 and ex. I p. 67 
  • watch the video about Gran's adventures and read the transcript below. Next time tell me the answer to this questions: 
1. Have you been to Egypt?
2. Have you been to Tokyo?
3. Have you visited Paris?
4. Have you eaten sushi?


Thursday, March 31, 2016

Homework for April 6

Hello my lovely kids,

I was so surprised to see how many things you remembered from our story no. 7! You did a great job!

For next week your homework is:
  • ex. G p. 58 from the book
  • ex. K p. 59 from the book
  • read this link 
  • do the exercise below:

Bye for now,

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Cari genitori, siamo lieti di aprirvi le porte delle nostre aule dove i vostri figli fanno lezione per darvi l’opportunità di vedere come si svolgono le lezioni. Sarete i benvenuti nella settimana del 14-18 marzo. Consapevoli del vostro tempo limitato, vi invitiamo ad osservare un massimo di 15-20 minuti della lezione. Sarà più facile gestire la vostra presenza in aula se arrivate all’inizio della lezione dove l’insegnante vi potrà accogliere. Non è necessaria la prenotazione telefonica.
A presto,
Giga IH

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Homework for March 16

Hi kids,

For next time:
Bye for now!
And don't forget about the Easter Party next week on 18th March!


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Homework for March 9

Hello my wonderful kids,

For next time, watch this video and do the exercises below. You can write the answers on your notebooks.

Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Homework for March 2nd

Hi my lovely kids,

Your homework for next time is:

  • from the Book ex. C p. 48 and ex. D and E p. 49 
  • Scheda 41 We've moved house! ex. A and B 
Bye for now,
Have a nice weekend!
Silvia <3

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Homework for February 17

Hi kids,

Your homework for next time is:
  • ex. G p. 42 
  • second page of the worksheetI gave you in class
  • Big Nose and the Storm Maker vocabulary worksheet (unscramble the words)
  • Play on the Weather Maze
Bye for now!
Silvia <3

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Homework for Jan 27

Hi kids,

Here is a story about a boy who feels ill - watch the video and do the exercise here below.
Then check this link and do the exercise online.

Bye for now.
Love you! :)

Cari genitori,

Vorreste mandare i vostri figli ad Oxford per studiare l'inglese e divertirsi allo stesso tempo? 

Siamo felici di comunicarvi che in collaborazione con International House London/Oxford stiamo organizzando un altro campo estivo al St. Edwards College in Oxford per ragazzi tra i 12-17 anni. 

Vi invitiamo di incontrarci da Giga il 25 gennaio (lunedì) alle ore 19.00 per parlare di questa meravigliosa opportunità.
